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Crestron Home® OS

Système d’exploitation de votre maison

Crestron Home

Everything simply works better when designed to work together.

The Crestron Home® OS is a state-of-the-art smart home Operating System specifically developed to ensure that every Crestron product, your favorite devices, and even specialized systems, all flawlessly work together as a single ecosystem.

La différence Crestron

La différence Crestron

La raison pour laquelle Crestron est le leader de l’industrie de la domotique est simple : We deliver the best user experience; we back it up with our award-winning True Blue Support Team; and we’re never satisfied with the status quo.

Trust is everything

Trust is

We take great pride in our work and our products. Crestron controls every aspect of product development, manufacturing, testing, and distribution to ensure unparalleled performance, reliability, and service.

We never cut corners. We can’t. The same products that go into your home are also built for the military, hospitals, and other mission-critical applications.

« Nous préconisons Crestron en tant que système de maison intelligente incontournable, et maintenant, la simplicité de Crestron Home le rend plus facile que jamais. »
Ed Moreau portrait

Ed Moreau, co-fondateur, Son créatif et intégration

Découvrez plus de produits Crestron Home


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Accès à domicile

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Santé et bien-être

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Download Crestron Home®
app for your devices.

*Demo Mode Available on iOS Only, System is Required on Android

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